Our Vision Statement
First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill is building, restoring and revitalizing lives through Jesus Christ.
Our Mission Statement
Love God, Make Disciples, Serve Community.
What We Believe
We believe the following…
Believer’s Baptism
In a regenerate membership safeguarded by baptism on the personal profession of faith. “Baptism is a decisive, once-for-all event, which marks the entrance into a new life in Christ. The Lord’s Supper is intended to be repeated frequently and symbolizes the sustaining of that life by Christ. One denotes the beginning of a new relationship and the other – the maintaining of a vital relationship between Christ and the church .
The Lord’s Supper
The elements of bread and wine point to the body and blood of Christ. As visible symbols which reinforce the gospel preached in words, they remind Christians of the incarnation, of which the high points were death, burial, resurrection, and exaltation”. (A Baptist Manual of Polity and Practice, by Maring and Hudson, pp. 136-138).
Congregational Polity
That the local congregation has the power and competency to govern its own affairs and that interdependence is recognized in the voluntary association with denominational and interdenominational bodies.
Separation of Church and State
In the separation of church and state.
The Holy Scriptures
In the Holy Scriptures as the rule of faith and practice for our church and our lives.
Join Us For Worship & Bible Study
8:45 Sunday Morning Live!
10:00 Worship Service
7:00 Evening Prayer Call
WEDNESDAYS (Resumes in September)
12:00 Noonday Bible Study
5:00 Fellowship Meal
6:00 Wednesday Night Live!
7:00 Morning Prayer Call